Fan Art of Michael


Proud Member
Jan 12, 2008
Fore Word - If it's okay .. (Please mods @Hiker would you please take a look at this and see if it is okay and absolutely delete or move this if we have a thread like this already or if it breaks any rulez) @Hiker Is it Possible to merge all of the art threads together ?:unsure:

Michael is a muse for many talented artist and being inspired by him can take on many forms whether that be writing , singing , dance, digital, drawing or any other form of art. creating. This thread is a place for wonderment , fantasia , and self expression.
For me seeing his likeness depicted through someones eyes, is pure happiness and elation.
.. Just thought it would be lovely if we could place our favourite pieces of art of Michael here in this thread.
Its not edits - its actual cartoon imagery, although edits & some photoshop photos ( if done respectfully and are relevant ) are welcomed here in this creative space.

If anyone has the OTW cartoons strips of Michael , feel free to upload and share because those are when I , for one first saw his likeness and got really , really excited by the wonderment of those images. Those images have always stayed with me.

Credits to all artist and creative persons who pictures are used as an example of joy in this thread,

To start .

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wow! some of the sketches are really good. Most look like digital art. I want to learn that just so that I can create something too :)