Classical & Opera [Merged]


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2011
Hilary Hahn ~ Der Erlkönig
Jessye Norman ~ Liebestod
Ying Huang ~ Un Bel Di Vedremo
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Re: Classical & Opera

not a fan of opera, but really into early 20thC (including late-Romanticism) and contemporary classical with the likes of Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Stravinsky, John Cage and Rzewski (avant garde).

this is a great pianist called Hamelin, taking on Fred Rzewski's The People United Will Never Be Defeated.

he really blends in Rach and Chopin influences nicely with modern African-American hints of jazz/soul.

where's our quaver, she'd like this thread.
Re: Classical & Opera

Here's Mickey Mouse from Fantasia

The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Re: Classical & Opera

ohh you just reminded of probably one of my first fascinations with classical music

Tom & Jerry - Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2

they used to repeat this dozens of times throughout the year on Baghdad TV lol couldn't get enough..
Re: Classical & Opera

ohh you just reminded of probably one of my first fascinations with classical music

Tom & Jerry - Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2

they used to repeat this dozens of times throughout the year on Baghdad TV lol couldn't get enough..

Wow, ahaha, this so brings back memories! :D ^_^ Tom and Jerry were my childhood heroes back in the 90s (my dear older sister always saying I was to her like Jerry to Tom, lol) :D

I remember that when we began lessons about these pieces at school, everyone was like: "Oh, this is the Tom and Jerry song! :wild: " For us, THEY were the composeres :rofl:

Great music in this thread, props for making it, DD ;)
Re: Classical & Opera

one of the first classical pieces done on synthesisers; Robert Moog (of Moog synths) hailed this as the first large-scale serious composition to be done on his synths, with processed vocals to make it an opera:

Andrew Rudin - Il Giuoco (abstract opera #1) [1966]


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Re: Classical & Opera

I have no particular composers I listen to but I love classical music...especially when I'm painting/creating something. Wonderful to listen to. :)
Re: Classical & Opera

i ve been to one opera when i was younget called countessa mariza or something i loved it but then again in my circle wwe all grew up with classic recitals ballet and opera and operette and my sister she sings even in that style half of the time she performce (the other half is pop)
i love composers like vivaldi and ravel their not as classic sounding as back and mozart but still
also some wagner pieces are really good
Re: Classical & Opera

Rick Wright showing off some avant-garde classical skills:

Pink Floyd - Sysyphus Part 2 [1969]


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Re: Classical & Opera

where's our quaver, she'd like this thread.

...I love composers like ... ravel...
Me too. Have you any fav pieces by him?

I'm gonna post one of my three all time favs, then later I'll check out the stuff in this thread that I'm not familiar with. This is Claudio Abbado conducting the Lucerne Festival Orchestra. The piece is Dialogue du Vent et de la Mer from Claude Debussy's Suite, La Mer. This is not my fav interprretation; that would be Charles Munch and the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the old recording from the 70's. But this is pretty good.

Btw, lots of classical music examples in old Bugs Bunny cartoons too...
Re: Classical & Opera

Rick Wright showing off some avant-garde classical skills:

Pink Floyd - Sysyphus Part 2 [1969]

oh man, another fascinating side of wright’s genius. Did he also write it? It’s amazing how it gradually gets more darker and louder and ends with that big deep BANG. So expressive.
Such experimental, creative pieces place pink floyd’s work on a totally different level in pop/rock music.

I’m totally in love with multi-dimensional sound of the piano and of all classical music I like piano works the most: liszt, debussy, schumann, rach, szostakovich, some beethoven’s pieces. I absolutely adore chopin’s music. especially his ballads are so profoundly beautiful.

I’ll try to limit myself to just a few pieces:

Rachmaninoff - Prelude no 4 op.10

Chopin - Etude no. 12 op. 10

Liszt - Mephisto Waltz no 1

Chopin - Prelude no 16 op. 28

i love watching pianist’s fingers moving with such incredible speed, precision and expression. it stimulates my brain cells in a similar way as watching Michael Jackson dancing. It’s just an orgasmic pleasure. damn.

sorry if i sound a bit obsessive, its probably the only thing that I get completely irrational about. lol.

btw, arxter, how do you upload audio tracks on this site in so good quality?
Re: Classical & Opera

impressive thread
myself , i like sarah brightman works also .
Re: Classical & Opera

Chihiro, no need to apologise, i share your obsession. there's so much of Rach i could go on about, and Chopin is just something else. both are two of my heros. revolutionaries.

this is my favourite Chopin piece:

2 Nocturnes Op. 62. Nº1

Re: Classical & Opera

I’ll try to limit myself to just a few pieces:

Chopin - Etude no. 12 op. 10

Chopin - Prelude no 16 op. 28

i love watching pianist’s fingers moving with such incredible speed, precision and expression. it stimulates my brain cells in a similar way as watching Michael Jackson dancing. It’s just an orgasmic pleasure. damn.

^ :lol:

Re: Classical & Opera

Judge sentences rap music fan to Bach, Beethoven

3 days ago

URBANA, Ohio (AP) — A defendant had a hard time facing the music. Andrew Vactor was facing a $150 fine for playing rap music too loudly on his car stereo in July. But a judge offered to reduce that to $35 if Vactor spent 20 hours listening to classical music by the likes of Bach, Beethoven and Chopin.

Vactor, 24, lasted only about 15 minutes, a probation officer said.

It wasn't the music, Vactor said, he just needed to be at practice with the rest of the Urbana University basketball team.

"I didn't have the time to deal with that," he said. "I just decided to pay the fine."

Champaign County Municipal Court Judge Susan Fornof-Lippencott says the idea was to force Vactor to listen to something he might not prefer, just as other people had no choice but to listen to his loud rap music.

"I think a lot of people don't like to be forced to listen to music," she said.

She's also taped TV shows for defendants in other cases to watch on topics such as financial responsibility. As she sees it, they get the chance to have their fine reduced "and at the same time broaden their horizons."

Information from: Springfield News-Sun,
Re: Classical & Opera


Yes, who has the time to deal with listening to classical music? lol

I do, I do! :wild:

I'm tempted to drive down the street blaring Shostakovich's 5th Symphony, just so I could see what I would get sentenced to listen to if I got caught. lol Actually, I already do do that, when I'm not blaring MJ. lol
How many like Opera?

Angela Gheorghiu, Roberto Alagna in "La Boheme" by Puccini at the Met:

Scene from "Tosca" by Puccini:

Wagner - "Ride of the Valkyries":
Re: How many like Opera?

i do i saw one is anazing i was in front sit and the lights what flying over my head ooh cool, but my heart was betting cause i was scray but that was so cool:yes:
Re: Classical & Opera

Both opera threads are now merged.
Re: Classical & Opera

If you're talkin Classical, you can't forget Mickey - the Sorcerers Apprentice:

How about "Night On Bald Mountain" from Fantasia:

Then there's "Pastoral Symphony" from Fantasia:
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Re: Classical & Opera

My favourite composers are tchaikovsky, Mozart, Beethoven & Johann Strauss.
Re: Classical & Opera

I sang this at my recital this year. Hard azz song to sing if you're not naturally a 1st Soprano. Now Madame Butterfly is one of my favorite operas of all time!

I also love me some good old fashioned Renaissance music. Here's a good one by Tomas Luis de Victoria

And another good one by Thomas Tallis - Spem in alium. It brought me to tears when I first heard it. It's so beautiful to think that voices were singing this music 7-800 years ago in newly built cathedrals.
Re: Classical & Opera

I love Opera and classical music. 3 of my favorite classical music pieces comes from Mozart and Beethoven

Rondo Alla Turca

Fur Elise

Moonlight Sonata

As for opera I really don't have a favorite opera. I love all of them. Especially these:

Barber Of Seville
Madame Butterfly
The Marriage Of Figaro
The Ride of the Valkyries (I think that is the name of that viking opera)
Re: Classical & Opera

As for opera I really don't have a favorite opera. I love all of them. Especially these:

The Ride of the Valkyries (I think that is the name of that viking opera)
The Ride of the Valkyries is a scene from Wagner's opera "Die Walkure" which is the second opera from his four part "Der Ring des Nibelungen" cycle.
Re: Classical & Opera

Martha Argerich - for me the greatest musician in the world.....
