Subtle Eccentric's Blog

Well around this time of the year the season of Fall begins and being a MJ fan of course I am watching Ghost and Thriller. I also look at the scary horror films and eating candy enjoying The Simpsons Tree House Horror but there is something else that I love to do. You guessed it, I love the...
I always love to know the different ways people get into their creative zone. For me, when I'm listening to great music surrounded by great art. Sounds silly but it's true. What gets you in your zone? This might be might shortest blog ever. lol
Okay what I didn't know about people is that once you leave your former place of employment they leave you too. Here let me explain, what happened was I got a better postion at another job and my friend who I thought I was cool with just bailed on me. I mean when she found out I was going to...

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Subtle Eccentric
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